Welcome to the 12th RSPO Roundtable Meeting on Sustainable Palm Oil. Last year’s RT11 in Medan saw a change in atmosphere as we cleared the stage and handed over the reins to delegates and participants; allowing them to spearhead the topics, take charge of the discussions and make sure their voices were heard. This allowed peers to discuss and explain to each other aside from providing the platform for different schools of thoughts to debate contended points and opinions. All this was to ensure that all stakeholders gained clearer comprehension and ultimately, embraced the revised RSPO standards (P&C 2013). This year, we inch very much closer to the critical year of 2015 whence we will know the successes and challenges faced by all that made commitments of change. This year, we look past what sustainability meant to us and consider its redefined purpose and meaning. We will look at trends and listen to the experts to know what is the evolutionary path of sustainability and how do we prepare for it. All this while we continue to provide the platform for us to both ask the difficult questions as well as attempting to answer them. It is also with great pleasure that I announce joining us this year in Kuala Lumpur, where it all started, is the award-winning scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster, Dr. David Suzuki who will be joined by many other speakers from all over the World as they collectively bring you up-to-date knowledge and experience coupled with lots of thought-provoking opinions and ideas to be shared. Drawing parallels to a quote by World renowned soprano, Maria Callas, the show began long before the curtain goes up and it ends long after it has come down. And we do have quite a “show” prepared for you this year. Safe journey to all and I look forward to seeing you in Kuala Lumpur this November for RT12. YBhg Datuk Darrel Webber Secretary General Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)
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